Saturday, December 8, 2007

--the finish line--

I made it.

Two weeks, er...years. Two years I've wrestled with throwing one of these blogs up. I don't necessarily have anything against publishing a blog, I just never really thought there would be anything for me to write about.

Who knows? Maybe there won't be.

I'm not a gamer, I couldn't come up with a cool title or alias, and I tend to be a fairly private/withdrawn person. However, recently my career pursuits have taken me across the country. And after being away from a lot of my friends and family I have realized that, although nerdy (sorry it's true), blogging may be a great way to keep in contact with a lot of you. Or maybe just some of you. Ok, I know like theres probably at least two of you who'll read it and maybe one and a half that will leave a comment. And thats great. Lord knows I need the help staying in touch. So to follow suit with most of life's guilty pleasures i.e. Kelly Clarkson, fantasy football, and most vh1 reality tv shows... I crumbled. Humbly, here I am.

I understand that a lot of you will gravitate back towards myspace or facebook because reading a blog is too much work. Trust me, I know. I can't do it either. But if you want a break from the poking and the cam girls and still want to stay in touch, I'll be here. I probably won't be re-posting any surveys about what I ate for breakfast or what my 6th grade locker combination was, but you can spy on me nonetheless.

I'd love to hear from anyone and everyone who stumbles their way here.

I hope you all are well, and I miss you like crazy.

Lots of love,



Prince the Great said...

yay! now i can super stalk.

holler at ya

Alex "Duchemin" Jacobson said...

I'll read. I'd be glad to know what life has handed you!

Blessings, Alex Duchemin

Bryan Foster said...

look at post...and three loyal, fanatical followers...welcome to the fold.

Anonymous said...

hey buddy! i realize we live a handful of minutes away from each other but blogs are fun too!

- becca

Jeff said...

Super encouraged. I'll try my best and keep it up!

Talk to you soon!


Bryan Foster said...

your days on my blogroll are numbered my friend...get to posting!

Bryan Foster said...

happy birthday

jaker said...

oh man... i love that you actually use the phrase guilty pleasure in regards to kelly. yes we are on a first name basis. perhaps i love that because i used the exact same phrase in soho. also in regards to kelly. i find it strange that i ended up on your blog the same night that i randomly received an email from kelly clarkson(.com) she was basically begging me to join her fan club so she can keep me updated on her "tour, music, and personal life" i don't know how i got on that email list. i blame ticketmaster for trying to assess my interests based on the tickets i purchase from them. but just because i went to a kelly concert with my dad last fall does not mean i want to be a member of her fan club.

strange occurrence indeed. as far as kelly being my guilty pleasure... it is purely musical. i don't care about her "personal life" i don't care who she is and isn't dating. i just care that she continues to make good music.